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Stop The Maddness Facebook, Stop The Madness

Christopher Martinez, 20, was among the seven people killed Friday when authorities say a gunman carried out a premeditated attack near UC Santa Barbara, shooting and running people down with his BMW.

So by this theory then, I guess we can assume we'll be doing our Christmas shopping by late August Just stop the madness already. We don't need to be rushing us into the holiday season when all we want to do is sit on the beach or by the pool and enjoy the summer.

Dear Dan,I appreciate your suggestion to get more time. One more element can be added here, Prioritise. We get lost when we do not prioritise our tasks. I personally feel it. I agree that starting new things is easy than stopping old things. Stopping madness is very difficult and takes more effort. There are some common tips that can help leaders to stop madness. Before that we need to understand why people do not stop the things knowingly that the effect is negative or wrong. I think because people are more resistance to change and by nature they are hopeful. They want to see something positive even in pessimistic scenario. Introspection and analysis of effort and output is needed to stop madness, but this is possible only when leaders are more resilient and open to change their belief and attitude. I also feel why people do not change their way is because they are egoistic in nature. Arrogance is another madness attitude. So, empathy and wisdom on effort and outcome may help leaders to stop old habits or things that actually do not yield result.

I have known susan for a long time. She got so sucked up with fame she did not realize that her stardom was only the 15 min kind. She is BiPolar and not in treatment so hangon for the next grand thought. She made a lot of money at a lot of people lives. And it never bothered her to look at the letter mothers and other family members telling her that thier bi poler daughters or sons had stoped thier meds and started having a beer and what it felt like to find thier children dead due to susans advice. Its a shane all that money a no collage funds for any of her boys. Its so sad to see someone effecting by someone with no heart.

I go way back with susan and i know she has been bi-polar for her whole life. She fell into fame at a small level and belived she would be famous her whole life. Any one who saw the episodes on the Dick Van Dyke show and it was obvious she had no training, and we are not taklking a list acting but she stuck out like a sore thumb. She never even set up a college account for her boys as in susans mind it was going to go on forever. When her publisher refused to print anything when it was all was all lines of thought, some punctuation would have been good. She needs treatment as soonad possible the vision of grandeur has come to a stop! She has hurt lots of people, some have died with her book on the cure for addiction, which she stole from Hazelton a very sucessful plan. The only thing susan has ever done is to benifit herself. Beware she crazy. 1e1e36bf2d


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