Dream Project has been running since 2018 with the main objectives to visit rural and isolated areas in West Sulawesi Province to encourage youth to have a dream and learned how to make a good plan for their future. The programs include personal development classes, aptitude tests, and small group coaching. We motivate young people to believe in education and be able to finish their compulsory education.
West Sulawesi is one of 34 provinces in Indonesia with a lower human development index where a high percentage of early school leavers and child marriages nationally. Our very first dream project was conducted nearby the beach with local children in Kalukku village, West Sulawesi. The activities was motivating young people to have a dream and believe in themselves. There were also activities to improve their English to boost their confidence. We believe that skepticism towards education should be stopped by showing children examples.
From that point, we realized that more children should have the opportunity to learn how to believe in their dreams. Then we continued to other villages, even isolated areas that have been reached in different regencies, in the mountain to reach more children. There have been 8 villages with more than 500 young people benefiting from this program. We are still working to make the children's dreams come true in West Sulawesi.