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Konstantin Seliverstov

How to Use Strafe Script Cfg to Improve Your LongJump Skills in CSS

Download Strafe Script Cfg: A Guide for Counter-Strike Players

If you are a fan of Counter-Strike, you might have heard of strafe script cfg, a config script that can help you improve your movement and performance in the game. But what is strafe script cfg, how to download it, and how to use it? In this article, we will answer these questions and more.

Download strafe script cfg

What is Strafe Script Cfg?

Strafe script cfg is a config script that allows you to perform strafes, which are sideways jumps that can increase your speed and mobility in Counter-Strike. Strafes can be useful for dodging bullets, reaching higher places, or escaping from enemies. Strafes can also be combined with other movements, such as long jumps or bunny hops, to create more complex and advanced maneuvers.

Strafe script cfg works by binding certain keys to commands that make you strafe automatically. For example, you can bind the ALT key to make you strafe left and right alternately, or the CAPSLOCK key to make you pre-strafe, which is a technique that involves turning and moving before jumping to gain more momentum. Strafe script cfg can also adjust your sensitivity and yaw speed to make your strafes more precise and smooth.

How to Download Strafe Script Cfg?

There are many sources where you can download strafe script cfg, but not all of them are reliable or safe. Some of them might contain viruses, malware, or outdated versions of the script. Therefore, it is important to download strafe script cfg from trusted and reputable websites, such as Gamingcfg or GameBanana.

To download strafe script cfg from these websites, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the website of your choice and search for strafe script cfg.

  • Select the version of the script that suits your game (Counter-Strike Source or Counter-Strike 1.6).

  • Click on the download button and save the file on your computer.

  • Extract and/or copy the file (usually named strafe.cfg) into your Counter-Strike folder (Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\[account]\counter-strike source\cstrike\cfg).

How to Use Strafe Script Cfg?

After downloading and installing strafe script cfg, you need to activate it in the game. To do that, you need to follow these steps:

  • Launch Counter-Strike and open the console by pressing the key.

  • Type in "exec configname.cfg" in the console, where configname is the name of the file you downloaded (usually strafe.cfg).

  • Alternatively, you can add "exec autoexec.cfg", "exec userconfig.cfg" or "exec configname.cfg" to your config.cfg file in your Counter-Strike folder.

  • Close the console and start playing.

To use strafe script cfg, you need to press the keys that you have bound to the commands. For example, if you have bound ALT to run_qA2.LJ4, which is a command that makes you perform a long jump with four strafes, you need to press ALT while running and jumping. You can also customize your bindings and commands by editing the strafe.cfg file with a text editor.


Strafe script cfg is a config script that can help you improve your movement and performance in Counter-Strike by allowing you to perform strafes automatically. You can download strafe script cfg from trusted websites such as Gamingcfg or GameBanana, and install it in your Counter-Strike folder. You can then activate it in the game by using the console or your config.cfg file. You can also customize your bindings and commands by editing the strafe.cfg file with a text editor.

If you want to learn more about strafe script cfg, you can watch some tutorials or videos online, or ask other players for tips and advice. Strafe script cfg can be a fun and useful tool for Counter-Strike players who want to enhance their skills and enjoy the game more.

FAQs about Download Strafe Script Cfg

In this section, we will answer some of the frequently asked questions about download strafe script cfg. If you have any other questions, feel free to leave a comment below or contact us.

Is Download Strafe Script Cfg Legal?

Download strafe script cfg is legal as long as you use it for personal and non-commercial purposes. However, some servers or tournaments might ban or disqualify players who use strafe script cfg or any other scripts or cheats. Therefore, it is advisable to check the rules and regulations of the server or tournament before using strafe script cfg.

Is Download Strafe Script Cfg Safe?

Download strafe script cfg is safe as long as you download it from trusted and reputable websites, such as Gamingcfg or GameBanana. However, some websites might offer fake or malicious versions of strafe script cfg that can harm your computer or steal your personal information. Therefore, it is advisable to scan the file with an antivirus program before installing it.

Is Download Strafe Script Cfg Easy to Use?

Download strafe script cfg is easy to use as long as you follow the instructions and steps that we have provided in this article. However, some players might find it difficult or confusing to use strafe script cfg at first, especially if they are not familiar with the commands or the console. Therefore, it is advisable to practice and experiment with strafe script cfg in offline mode or on private servers before using it on public servers or in competitive matches.

Is Download Strafe Script Cfg Effective?

Download strafe script cfg is effective as long as you use it correctly and wisely. Strafe script cfg can help you improve your movement and performance in Counter-Strike by allowing you to perform strafes automatically. However, strafe script cfg cannot make you a better player by itself. You still need to have good aim, reflexes, strategy, teamwork, and game sense to succeed in Counter-Strike. Therefore, it is advisable to use strafe script cfg as a tool and not as a crutch.

How to Improve Your Strafe Script Cfg Skills?

If you want to improve your strafe script cfg skills, you need to practice and learn from other players who are good at strafing. Here are some tips and resources that can help you improve your strafe script cfg skills:

  • Watch some tutorials or videos online that explain how to use strafe script cfg and how to perform different types of strafes, such as long jumps, bunny hops, or circle jumps.

  • Watch some demos or replays of professional or skilled players who use strafe script cfg and observe how they move and strafe in different situations and maps.

  • Join some servers or communities that are dedicated to strafing and practice with other players who use strafe script cfg. You can also ask them for feedback or advice on how to improve your strafing.

  • Try to challenge yourself and set some goals or records for yourself. For example, you can try to beat your own or others' times or distances on certain maps or courses that require strafing.

What are the Benefits of Download Strafe Script Cfg?

Download strafe script cfg can have many benefits for Counter-Strike players who want to enhance their skills and enjoy the game more. Here are some of the benefits of download strafe script cfg:

  • Download strafe script cfg can help you improve your movement and performance in Counter-Strike by allowing you to perform strafes automatically. Strafes can increase your speed and mobility in the game, which can give you an advantage over your enemies.

  • Download strafe script cfg can help you learn and master the art of strafing, which is a skill that requires precision, timing, and coordination. Strafing can also be fun and satisfying to perform, especially when you pull off some impressive maneuvers.

  • Download strafe script cfg can help you explore and discover new aspects and possibilities of Counter-Strike. You can try out different maps or modes that are designed for strafing, such as kz, bhop, or surf. You can also create your own maps or courses that require strafing.

What are the Drawbacks of Download Strafe Script Cfg?

Download strafe script cfg can also have some drawbacks for Counter-Strike players who use it. Here are some of the drawbacks of download strafe script cfg:

  • Download strafe script cfg can be considered as a form of cheating or unfair advantage by some players or servers. Some servers or tournaments might ban or disqualify players who use strafe script cfg or any other scripts or cheats. Therefore, it is advisable to check the rules and regulations of the server or tournament before using strafe script cfg.

  • Download strafe script cfg can be risky or harmful for your computer or personal information if you download it from untrusted or malicious websites. Some websites might offer fake or malicious versions of strafe script cfg that can contain viruses, malware, or spyware. Therefore, it is advisable to scan the file with an antivirus program before installing it.

  • Download strafe script cfg can be difficult or confusing to use for some players, especially if they are not familiar with the commands or the console. Some players might also find it hard to control or adjust their strafes, which can result in errors or failures. Therefore, it is advisable to practice and experiment with strafe script cfg in offline mode or on private servers before using it on public servers or in competitive matches.

How to Uninstall Download Strafe Script Cfg?

If you want to uninstall download strafe script cfg, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to your Counter-Strike folder (Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\[account]\counter-strike source\cstrike\cfg).

  • Find and delete the file that you downloaded (usually named strafe.cfg).

  • Open your config.cfg file with a text editor and remove any lines that refer to strafe script cfg (such as "exec autoexec.cfg", "exec userconfig.cfg" or "exec configname.cfg").

  • Save and close your config.cfg file.

  • Launch Counter-Strike and enjoy the game without strafe script cfg.


Download strafe script cfg is a config script that can help you improve your movement and performance in Counter-Strike by allowing you to perform strafes automatically. You can download strafe script cfg from trusted websites such as Gamingcfg or GameBanana, and install it in your Counter-Strike folder. You can then activate it in the game by using the console or your config.cfg file. You can also customize your bindings and commands by editing the strafe.cfg file with a text editor.

Download strafe script cfg can have many benefits for Counter-Strike players who want to enhance their skills and enjoy the game more. However, download strafe script cfg can also have some drawbacks for Counter-Strike players who use it. Therefore, it is advisable to use download strafe script cfg with caution and respect, and to check the rules and regulations of the server or tournament before using it.

If you want to learn more about download strafe script cfg, you can watch some tutorials or videos online, or ask other players for tips and advice. Download strafe script cfg can be a fun and useful tool for Counter-Strike players who want to explore and discover new aspects and possibilities of the game. 4e3182286b


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